API can now provide customers with a broad range of optical films and filters in almost any shape or size, to meet virtually any application.
American Polarizers Inc. (API), a world leader in the manufacture of polarized filters and other optical products, has expanded its precision laser cutting capability with the addition of a high accuracy laser cutting machine. API can now provide customers with a broad range of optical films and filters in almost any shape or size, to meet virtually any application. All production is in-house at API which facilitates cost control and compresses the production cycle to help customers meet tight deadlines.
The new laser cutting machine permits API to hold very tight tolerances when cutting intricate shapes with little damage to the edge of the polarizing substrate. The new API laser has a .001” beam diameter that assures smooth, accurate cutting on both thin and thick materials. Cutting accuracy is to within +/- 0.003 and customers may specify sizes as large as 40” x 24”. “We wanted our laser cutting capabilities to include high accuracy combined with the edge quality of die cutting and the new laser meets that goal”, said Snyder.
“The new laser cutting machine represents a major investment and commitment to our strategic plan,” said API President Jeff Snyder. “We want to send a clear signal to the market that API wants to be the vendor of choice for optical filters and that we have the production capabilities to meet the broadest range of technical demands and tight production timelines,” Snyder said that unlike suppliers who must depend on outside vendors for special requests, API maintains total control over the optical lamination and cutting process from start to finish. “We now have six laser cutters as well as two waterjet cutting machines. With our new equipment, we can meet production requirements for specially shaped polarizing filters better and faster than any other supplier out there.”
For more information about American Polarizers optical films and custom cutting services, please contact API, 141 South Seventh St., Reading PA 19602. Tel: 610-373-5177. Fax: 610-373-2229. Email [email protected]. Web: www.apioptics.com