Waveplates & Retarders
API waveplates (retarders) are single layer polycarbonate films for great performance and clarity. Wave retarders are birefringent materials that alter (retard) the polarization state or phase of light traveling through them.
Our waveplates feature uniform birefringence, very low haze, good environmental stability, and excellent wide-angle view performance. API can laminate quarter wave retarders in 560nm (140nm OPD), half wave retarders in 560nm (280nm OPD) and full wave retarders in 560nm (560nm OPD) for increased durability and optical performance.
- Quarter wave, half wave and full wave
- Excellent clarity and uniform birefringence
- Available in polycarbonate based films and acrylic or glass laminations
- In-stock or custom shapes and sizes
Want to learn more? See how waveplates and retarders work.